International Symposium on

Advanced Nanodevices and Nanotechnology

November 29-December 4, 2015

Waikoloa, Hawaii

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Abstract Submission

Participants planning to give an oral or poster presentation (including the invited speakers) are kindly asked to e-mail an abstract of your presentation to The extended deadline for abstract submission is Sept. 1, 2015.

The abstract needs to follow the format described in the abstract template file, which is available below. Please save your abstract as a single pdf (Portable Document Format) file with the file name, (presenter's first name)_(presenter's family name).pdf, and e-mail it as an attached file. Make sure that your abstract is of camera-ready quality with all fonts embedded. If you are an invited speaker, please indicate it in your e-mail message. If you are an author of a contributed paper, please indicate the preferred style of presentation (oral or poster) in your message.

Once you submit an abstract, you will receive an email reply in a few days, confirming your successful abstract submission. The abstracts of contributed papers will be peer-reviewed for their acceptance either for oral or poster presentation. Authors of contributed papers will be notified of the type of presentation and/or the poster number shortly after the submission deadline.

Abstract Template

The attached abstract template provides the format and instructions for preparation of abstracts for ISANN.

Please click one the following links download either a Microsoft Word document template or a PDF version

Microsoft word